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Work Smart And Work Hard  

The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. 1 Corinthians 3:8  

If you look throughout history, the men and women of GOD who were used to shake the world for JESUS worked extremely hard and lived lives of great discipline. George Whitefield and John Wesley were used powerfully by JESUS in the first and second Spiritual Awakenings in America. It’s estimated that Whitefield preached over 18000 times and to around 10 million people without microphones. They both were disciplined in meditating on GOD’s WORD, in fasting, in prayer, in giving to the poor, in attendance in worship, in simplicity, in reading, in writing, and in traveling to preach. Wesley fasted about 2 times every week. It’s time for disciplined men and women to be raised up for another Great Spiritual Awakening!  

We often hear the phrase, “work smarter, not harder.” While this sound good, it’s not correct. Part of working smart is working hard! We are not called to a self-focused Christianity. We are called to a self-sacrificing Christianity for JESUS CHRIST and for HIS work upon the earth!  


Pray and make sure that you are being led by The HOLY SPIRIT! Once you know that you are moving in GOD’s direction, work hard where HE places you. Don’t try to find an easy way out. Ask yourself how much time you are spending each week on the following: 1. Prayer 2. Fasting 3. Giving 4. Meditating 5. Worshipping with GOD’s people 6. Reading 7. Soul-winning  

Work hard and seize the time that GOD has given to you today!

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain