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You Are Coming Out Healed!

4When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” John 11:4

I remember preaching at a Youth Event and GOD moved in such a powerful way! There were young people saved, healed, set free, baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire, and some answered the call to ministry. One instance out of many which really touched my heart is that during an altar call I asked people to raise their hands if they had mental torment and suicidal thoughts at times. Many hands went up. JESUS touched and set many young people free! These young people were coming out healed, filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and ready to do what GOD had called them to do. GOD can save this young generation! All praise to JESUS!

What is happening in your life? Are you being pressed down? Has a season of depression or discouragement hit you? Has torment filled your mind? Has sickness attacked your body? My dear friend, look at GOD’s WORD, believe it, receive it, speak it, and walk in it by the mighty HOLY SPIRIT! Don’t tolerate the enemy in your life! If you are a follower of JESUS, the same HOLY SPIRIT that raised JESUS CHRIST from the dead lives in you! I want to tell someone who reads this, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” Don’t buy the lie that GOD wants you to be sick. HE brought Lazarus out of the dead! YOU ARE COMING OUT HEALED!

Action Point

JESUS wants you be completely healed and healthy in every area of your life! Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to cause you to believe and walk in HIS WORD. Read GOD’s WORD concerning blessing, healing and the New Covenant. GOD wants to bring you out healed and then send you out to heal others! I highly encourage that you read these two resources along with the WORD of GOD! F.F. Bosworth, “CHRIST The Healer” and A.A. Allen, “GOD’s Guarantee To Heal You”. You can find them both on Amazon. Keep your focus on JESUS! Pray and encourage someone today! You are coming out healed!

GOD bless you, my friend!