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Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews 7:25

I love to read about what GOD did through George Whitefield in the 1st Great Awakening in America. He preached about 18,000 times to around 10 million people when there were no televisions, mass communication, or social media. Much of the new Nation was transformed by The Gospel! Multitudes were saved, societies were transformed, and miracles took place. There are reports that said that his voice could be heard by a crown of 30,000 people without amplification. However, he was strongly opposed by much of the religious crowd of the day. Very few people would allow him to speak at their Church. So, he took his Ministry outside to open air and crowds began to flock to hear a man anointed by The HOLY SPIRIT! Despite all of the intense opposition - he kept making it through because GOD was with him!

It is so important that you are persuaded and convinced by The HOLY SPIRIT that GOD is for you, that JESUS is with you, and that JESUS is praying for you! My friend, JESUS is able “to save completely those who come to God through him”.


Rejoice in The TRUTH that JESUS is praying for you and that HE has saved you completely! Whatever you are facing - you are going to make it! Encourage yourself in The LORD by prayer, reading The Bible, and being involved in the Ministry that GOD has called you to! Surround yourself with believers that encourage you to be everything that GOD has called you to be! YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE IT! JESUS IS WITH YOU!

Have a blessed day! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain