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You Can’t Outgive GOD  

All the believers were together and had everything in common. Acts 2:44  

It is such a joy and blessing to be able to share with others what GOD has given to you. A glorious principle in Scripture that my wife and I love to practice is the principle of sowing and reaping. We love to give more because JESUS always gives us back much more so that we can give even more in the future. To the world system, it makes no sense. However, from the Bible, it makes perfect sense! I have a friend who is in business that is one of the most generous people that I have met. It seems like the more he gives, the more GOD gives to him so that he can give even more in the future. It’s such a joy because we can give to ministries and people in need so that precious souls are given to JESUS and so that people are brought closer to JESUS!  

Do you live with a giving mentality? Or do you live with a getting mentality? If you really want to move forward and experience all that JESUS has for your life, then it is extremely important that you begin to live with very strong giving mentality! When you understand that GOD is your SOURCE for everything that you need, then you never have to worry about not having enough. Give your time, energy, love, joy, and resources into GOD’s work. It will be amazing what JESUS will do through your life!  

Action Point  

Pray and ask GOD who HE wants to bless through your life today. Maybe it’s to take 15 minutes to call and pray for a friend. Maybe it’s to get groceries for a family in need. Maybe it’s to step away from work and social media to spend time with a spouse, son, or daughter. Maybe it’s to give into a ministry that is focused on JESUS and souls coming to HIM. Pray and do what the HOLY SPIRIT tells you to do! Trust and obedience are a sure path to joy and blessing!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening