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 You Have To Hear About This! (Focus: Evangelism)  

With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. Luke 1:3-4  

I remember a time when my son and I stopped a specific truck stop and gas station in NJ. GOD had placed in my heart and spirit to go there. As I was inside the store, a man and I started talking and GOD placed him very strongly on my heart. I kept talking with him and asked if I could pray for him. He was overwhelmed and was very receptive to the prayer. He and his wife had stopped there as they were traveling from another state many hours away. My son and I walked with him outside so that we could pray for him and his wife, who was outside. It ended up being like a mini prayer meeting at the gas station. He and his wife were touched so powerfully by JESUS and were in tears. I was able to share with them some wonderful Truth from the Bible, pray for specific areas in their lives, pray with them to rededicate their lives to JESUS, and see what only JESUS could do! What joy to see JESUS do what only HE can do! GOD gets all of the glory!  

When GOD has touched and transformed your life, one of the most natural and supernatural things to do is to tell people about the Good News of JESUS CHRIST! The early church and apostles wanted to get the Good News of JESUS out to everyone! They lived to be a witness of the LORD JESUS CHRIST! There’s no greater joy than being in relationship with JESUS and being used to see people come to know HIM! There’s no greater love than to die to yourself and to lay down your life for JESUS and for sharing the Good News with others! We have the most amazing news to share! JESUS can save you, heal you, set you completely free, transform your life, fill your heart with joy, baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire, make you into a new person, and give you an assurance that you will go to heaven!  

Action Point

Are you ready to share the Good News of JESUS with others today? Make it a point to rely on the HOLY SPIRIT, live like JESUS, and share JESUS with others everywhere GOD sends you throughout the day! Don’t be concerned about what others may think or what the responses may be. Be compassionate and interested in people, show them the love and joy of JESUS, and share with them how JESUS can save them and transform their life today! Ask someone if you can pray for them. Let’s expect what only GOD can do!  

GOD bless you and use you mightily!