Your Thinking Determines Your Direction

Yesterday was one of our daddy and son’s days! As I was praying, God put on my heart to take our 3 boys to a specific park close by. We always want our thinking to be on the things of God and the souls of people. The boys had such a great time. Before we had left, we had prayed with 5 different people either to give their lives to JESUS or for a specific request. By God’s Grace, it was absolutely amazing!

Scripture Meditation

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2

Action Point

What is consuming your thoughts throughout the day? Are you filled with anxiety, stress, and a divided mind? Would it be a good time to take a fast from the news and social media - and spend that time embracing God’s Word and God’s love for you? My friend, look to who you are in JESUS - HIS love and supply never runs out!

Be a blessing to someone today! God bless you!