Get Involved!
Now is the Time

We know that God has an amazing plan and purpose for your life. With Jesus for us - the best is yet to come! Take a look below.

  • What is this Ministry like?
    • We are a family working together with the Body of Christ for the glory of God, the souls of people and the good of others. Everything that we do in this Ministry is centered around the souls of people! I know that Jesus can use you in a powerful way. If you feel led to join or volunteer, we would love for you to be a part of what God is doing and experience the joy of seeing many people give thier lives to Jesus!
    • We pattern this Ministry after the Lord Jesus Christ and what He continued to do in the Book of Acts. Our intense and urgent desire is to see every person saved, healed, set completely free, baptized with the Holy Spirit and Fire, and then set apart for Ministry!
    • We preach the Good News of Jesus Christ, we pray for the sick, we pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire, and we seek to follow the Holy Spirit in every area of Ministry and in every Meeting.
  • What about my kids and family?
    • We believe that God has a wonderful plan and purpose for every person. From the youngest child to the oldest saint, this is a place where you will experience the gifts and calling of the Holy Spirit to fulfill heaven's plan and purpose for your life! We are believing for many souls to come to Jesus through you!
    • Feel free to volunteer as a family. It is an opportunty to be used of God, to be drawn closer to Jesus and also closer together as a family.
  • Where are you located?
    • We travel to different churches, cities, states, and countries where God is leading us. We also hold Gospel Events and Revival Services in various locations such as churches, stadiums, arenas, schools, open fields, etc.
    • Be sure to look at our Upcoming Events to see where you can be involved!
    • If you would like us to visit your Church, City, County, and/or area, please send us a Request on our Contact Us/Speaking Request page. We will expect what only JESUS can do!
  • How can I get connected?
    • We would love to have your help in the harvest of precious souls coming to JESUS!
    • If you feel that the Holy Spirit is leading you to be involved, please send us a message on our Contact Us/Speaking Request page.